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Meet the Store Team

We understand that not everybody will get a chance to visit our  Stratford-Upon-Avon boutique, and we only wish that could be possible. However, that is not to say that you can't get to know a bit more about our store team and how amazing they are at what they do! Between the beautiful visual merchandising of the store and our mannequins, to next-to-none style advice and adding a personal touch to every sale made, the team really are amazing, and we are sure you may also recognise them from our social media!

Tell us a bit about your role….  I’m the shop floor manager, I look after the day to day running of the shop and keep the team happy.   I love dealing with the customers, I’ve been at Gemini about 13 years and have lots of regular customers that contact me even when I’m not in, so I must be doing something right.  I like giving customers great service and my method seems to work as they keep coming back.   It’s exciting when new stock arrives, I just need to try not to spend all my earnings on it. 

Do you have any work traits….  I think I’m the calming influence on the shop floor, nothing worries me too much.  Claire calls me “Sue the glue” because I hold everything together and I like that. I’m completely honest with customers too, which is another reason I think they keep coming back.   

What’s it like working at Gemini…  I shopped at Gemini before I worked here and was always after a job.  It feels like home from home because I’ve been here so long.  It’s a comfortable and I work with a lovely happy team.  It’s a warm and welcoming environment and Claire is a very fair boss to have. 

What don’t we know about you… I once worked at the RSC and where and I was married to quite a well-known coronation street actor.  While working at the RSC I was fortunate to be invited to Highgrove by Prince Charles (as he was) to tour the grounds.  We walked and spoke at length and I’m sure I was being interviewed for Camilla’s job 😉 

Tell us a bit about your role…. Merchandising is my favourite part of the role. I get really excited about new stock arriving and dressing the windows. I love encouraging customers to try new things and changing up their style and wardrobe, experimenting with things they’ve never worn before or wouldn’t usually try.  

Do you have any work traits…. I have a habit of tidying up and putting things away before they are finished with it….if you can’t find something there is a good chance I’ve put it away already.   

What’s it like working at Gemini… I like my work colleagues; everyone here inspires me in a different way.  The team buids each other up and everyone has different and complimenting skills.  The young girls must think we’re mad, but we make them laugh. Every day is different and varied. As a small independent, everyone here inspires me in different ways.   

What don’t we know about you… I used to be a teacher in a school but also an aerobics teacher in a former life.  I have two wonderful children; one had a traumatic start to life being born at just under 3lbs but you wouldn’t know it now as she’s a professional model. 

Tell us a bit about your role…. I am a senior sales stylist at Gemini, I’ve been here 35 years, almost all my grown up life and nearly all of Gemini’s life. That’s a really long time so I’m almost part of the fixtures and fittings 😊 

Do you have any work traits…. I’m a bit of a perfectionist and after all these years I know how Claire likes things done. I’d say I’m the queen of folding and displays…..and always have a cup of tea on the go and a little snack.    

What’s it like working at Gemini… I’ve seen lots of people come and go, lots of Gemini girls. It’s a nice and comfortable atmosphere where I’ve made some lovely friends for life.   

What don’t we know about you… I had a very scary time during lockdown after suffering a brain aneurysm.  I’m pretty much fully mended now though occasionally I’ll use my brain surgery as an excuse for not doing something 😉 

Tell us a bit about your role…. My favourite part of my job has to be the customers, I love styling and talking to people. My husband says I’m like a kid in a sweet shop when the new collections come in.

Do you have any work traits…. I like to think I bring a sense of fun to the workplace; I always have a smile on my face. People say I’m funny even when I don’t know I am being funny.   

What’s it like working at Gemini… Gemini is a lovely place to work, it must be, I’ve been here a very long time!  I love chatting to customers and styling them in different outfits and sending them off happy. I love the young people I work with; I think you can learn so much from them. 

What don’t we know about you… I used to be a glamourous flight attendant. I’m half Bavarian as my father was from southern Germany. My father’s childhood home is now a museum because it was first house purchased in the village of Herzogenaurach after the war. It's now owned by the equivalent of our National Trust and is still known as Farnlucher House. 

Tell us a bit about your role…. I’m a sales stylist on the shop floor.  I also took part in a work placement with the online team upstairs. I like that it’s an all-girl team and everyone is really happy and chatty. I like a chat. 

Do you have any work traits…. I like to organise and put everything back super neatly, which could be annoying. I ask a lot of questions.  

What’s it like working at Gemini… Working at Gemini is chilled and relaxed.  Everyone knows what to do and everything gets done but it’s not at all stressful.  And biscuits on the shopfloor help 😊 

What don’t we know about you… I have to have a pudding after every meal even breakfast.  I’m a bit of a weird foodie.  I eat tiramisu EVERY day.